Friday, July 11, 2014

Wind Rose

A wind rose is a type of circular plot and shows frequencies of different wind directions, and give an idea of how the wind direction and speed is distributed for a certain area. The above image is an example of a wind rose displaying the wind direction and speed of winds in Washington State. Using the coordinate system, the frequency of winds over a long time period is plotted by wind direction, with color bands displaying the wind ranges. The directions of the rose with the longest spoke show the wind direction that has the greatest frequency.

Triangular Plot

A triangular plot, also referred to as ternary graphs, are a triangularly-shaped representation of geographic information in which 3 variables are plotted on a 2-D graph. It graphically depicts the ratios of the three variables as positions on the triangle, in which the proportions of all three variables must sum to a constant. Triangular plots are used commonly in physical sciences to show the composition composed of three features or properties, such as rock type of shale, sandstone, and limestone for example. The above image is a simple model of a triangular plot of the mentioned example of the 3 apexes: shale, sandstone, and limestone, where shale is located at bottom left, limestone at bottom right, and sandstone at the top of the triangular plot.Any point that plots anywhere on one of the side lines or within the triangle itself represents a rock comprised of mixed types.

Stem and Leaf Plot

A stem and Leaf Plot is way to display quantitative data in a graphical format, where it refers to plotting a matrix of y values onto an x-axis, identifying the common x value with a vertical line and the individual y values with symbols on the line. A basic display of a stem and leaf plot contains two columns separated by a vertical line. The left column contains the stems and the right column contains the leaves. Typically, the leaf contains the last digit of the number and the stem contains the rest of the digits. The above image is a stem and leaf plot of infant mortality rates in Western Africa. Here, you can clearly see how the plot is divided into two columns, with the stems on the left column and the leafs on the right column.

Similarity Matrix

A similarity matrix is a graphical representation of similar sequences in a data series, and is a matrix of scores that represent the similarity between those data points. Each element or point of the similarity matric contains a measure of similarity between two of the data points. Similarity matrix's are often used to find clusters of data points or to align DNA/gene sequences. The above image is a similarity matrix of differential expression signatures in DNA. Dark red colors indicate high similarity between signatures associated with two contrasts, indicated by the row and column labels. The binary code indicates whether signatures associated with two variables possess a significant level of similarity.

Star Plot

Star plots allow you to compare multiple variables for each observation, as variables are plotted on a radii, lines coming out of the center of the plot, with each star representing a single observation.The star plot consists of a sequence of equi-angular spokes, called the radii, with each spoke representing one of the variables. The data length of a spoke is proportional to the magnitude of the variable for the data point relative to the maximum magnitude of the variable across all the data points. A line is then drawn to connect the data values for each spoke, which gives the plot it's star-like appearance. The above image is a star plot of crime rates in US cities, and represents multivariate data with vertices at equally spaced intervals and distance from center proportional to the variable's value.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

In a parallel coordinate plot, each variable is graphed on a vertical axis and each data
element is plotted as a connected set of points, one on each axis, as shown by the data element being highlighted in some either either by color, boldness, etc. In this way, parallel coordinate systems can be used to study relationships among many variables or other multivariate data. To show the set of points in a geographic space, a backdrop on the graph is drawn consisting of a number of parallel lines, typically vertical and equally spaced in nature. A point is then represented by a connected series of line segments with vertices on the parallel axis, in which the position of the vertex will relate to the coordinate of the point. The above image is an example of what a parallel coordinate graph looks like, in which each variable is graphed on a vertical axis separated by parallel lines. In this way, parallel coordinate graphs help understand the geometry of multidimensional issues using these visualization techniques.


A histogram is a graph that displays tabulated frequency, most commonly using a series of bar graphs, and is an estimate of the probability distribution of a continuous variable. The above image is a histogram which displays the tabulated frequency of the heights of black cherry trees.